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SPM8000-Mode1 DX8 Transmitter (w/AR8000 Receiver) - Mode.1 (해외배송 가능상품)

기본 정보
자체상품코드 SPM8000-Mode1
원산지 중국
적립금 4,600
판매가 460,000원

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SPM8000-Mode1 DX8 Transmitter (w/AR8000 Receiver) - Mode.1 수량증가 수량감소 460000 (  4600.00)
총 상품금액(수량) : 0 (0개)

The next-generation DX8 takes 8-channel sophistication to new heights with features and capabilities that eclipse those of almost everything else in its class. Voice alerts, 250-model memory, wireless trainer, 4 model types – you get it all and more.

Diversity Antenna
Using a combination of vertical and horizontal arrays, the diversity antenna provides superb protection against polarization blind spots, ensuring your receiver always “sees” the signal.

Programmable Voice Alerts
The DX8 lets you keep tabs on important functions without ever taking your eyes off what you’re flying. You can program voice alerts to call out what flight mode you’ve chosen or report telemetry information on demand. If an alarm goes off, you won’t have to look at the transmitter display to see what’s happening. The DX8 will tell you.

Wireless Trainer Link
This exclusive Spetkrum technology gives DX8 users the ability to wirelessly link up with other Spektrum transmitters and specially-equipped Spektrum FPV headsets. Once bound to another transmitter or component, ModelMatch™ technology will allow the DX8 to re-link without having to go through the bind process again.

With Wireless Trainer Link, you could:

• Wirelessly ''''''''buddy box'''''''' with another DSM2®/DSMX® transmitter when teaching someone to fly.

• Assign gimbal functions to a 2nd ‘camera’ transmitter when flying a camera drone so you can focus on avoiding obstacles and maintaining visual contact while someone else lines up the shot.

• Link with specially-equipped Spektrum FPV headsets to wirelessly control head tracking and remotely change video frequencies on the fly.

250-Model Memory
The enormous capacity of the DX8''''s on-board memory means you will rarely, if ever, need to juggle models between transmitter memory and your SD card. The model memory menu is easier to navigate too. Only memory slots with model settings saved to them will appear. You won''''t have to scroll through empty slots or move models around if one is deleted.

Because the DX8 uses the same AirWare™ software as many other Spektrum transmitters, you can share model setups across platforms with almost any Spektrum pilot.

Fly Smarter with Built-In Telemetry
The built-in telemetry feature gives you real-time information on things like your model''''s battery voltage, signal quality, engine or motor temperature, airspeed, altitude and more.*

Using the voice alert system, you can program the DX8 to tell you when specific telemetry values reach or exceed limits you define. You can also have it call out a sequence of telemetry values on demand with the flip of a switch. If you want to review telemetry after a flight, the DX8 can be set up to record the data to its SD card.

*Requires a Spektrum telemetry module and telemetry sensors, sold separately.

Includes Full-Range AR8000 Receiver
You can take advantage of all eight channels right away with the included AR8000. This 8-channel DSMX® receiver is perfect for all types of aircraft, from warbirds to 3D helicopters. It’s also compatible with the Spektrum Flight Log and telemetry modules

Programming Features
The DX8 comes with an impressive list of programming features that rivals that of much more expensive transmitters.

• 10 Wing Types: Normal, Dual Aileron, Flaperon, 1 Aileron 1 Flap, 1 Aileron 2 Flap,
2 Aileron 1 Flap, 2 Aileron 2 Flap, Elevon A, Elevon B, 4 Aileron
• 6 Tail Types: Normal, V-Tail A, V-Tail B, Dual Elevator, Dual Rudder,
Dual Rudder/Elevator
• Aileron, Flaperon, Elevon and V-Tail Differential
• Flap System with Elevator Compensation
• 5 Flight Modes
• Dual Rates and Expo
• 7-Point Throttle Curve
• Preset Mixes: Elevator-to-Flap, Aileron-to-Rudder, Rudder-to-Aileron/Elevon
• 10 Programmable Mixes – Select Normal or Curve for Each

• Gyro and Governor
• 7-Point Throttle Curve
• 7-Point Pitch Curve
• 7-Point Tail Curve
• 7 Swash Plate Types: Normal, 3-Servo 120˚, 3-Servo 135˚, 3-Servo 140˚, 3-Servo 90˚, 4-Servo 90˚, 2-Servo 180˚
• 5 Flight Modes, Including Hold
• Dual Rates and Expo
• Cyclic-to-Throttle and Swashplate Timing Mixes
• 10 Programmable Mixes – Select Normal or Curve for Each

• 5 Wing Types: Single Aileron, Dual Aileron, 2 Aileron 1 Flap, 2 Aileron 2 Flap,
4 Aileron 2 Flap
• 3 Tail Types: Normal, V-Tail A, V-Tail B
• Motor Throttle Switch Assignment
• Dual Aileron and V-tail Differential
• Camber System
• Camber Preset
• 10 Flight Modes
• Dual Rates and Expo
• Preset Mixes: Flap-to-Aileron Curve, Aileron-to-Flap, Aileron-to-Rudder,
• 10 Programmable Mixes – Select Normal or Curve for Each

• Multirotor Channel Inputs – ALT (Altitude), ROL (Roll), PIT (Pitch), YAW
• Multirotor Checklists, Warnings and Voice Alerts
• Simplified Multirotor Flight Mode Setup and Switch Assignment


  • Diversity antenna
  • 11ms frame rates with capable receivers
  • Airplane, heli, sailplane and multirotor programming
  • 250-model internal memory
  • Voice alerts
  • Wireless trainer function
  • Ergonomically designed case with comfortable rubber grips
  • Direct access to system setup from function menu – no need to power off
  • Large, backlit LCD screen
  • 10 aircraft wing types and 6 tail types
  • 7 swashplate types
  • 5 sailplane wing types and 3 tail types
  • Multirotor flight mode setup, checklists and voice alerts
  • Up to 10 sailplane flight modes
  • 5 airplane and heli flight modes
  • 10 programmable mixes – normal or 7-point curve
  • Dual aileron, elevon, and V-tail differential
  • 7-point throttle curves for airplanes and helicopters
  • 7-point pitch and tail curves for helicopters
  • Includes AR8000 receiver and 12V global power supply
  • EN328 compatible


# of Channels:
Model Memory:
Transmitter (Tx) Battery Type:
2000mAh Li-Ion

  • 배송정보
  • 배송 방법 : 고객직접선택
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 고객직접선택
  • 배송 기간 : 1일 ~ 3일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
    고객님께서 주문하신 상품은 입금 확인후 배송해 드립니다. 다만, 상품종류에 따라서 상품의 배송이 다소 지연될 수 있습니다.
  • 교환 및 반품정보
  • 교환 및 반품 주소
     - [15497] 경기 안산시 상록구 천문2길 10 주복빌딩 1층 토이믹스
    교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우
     - 계약내용에 관한 서면을 받은 날부터 7일. 단, 그 서면을 받은 때보다 재화등의 공급이 늦게 이루어진 경우에는 재화등을 공급받거나 재화등의 공급이 시작된 날부터 7일 이내
      - 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과 다르거나 계약내용과 다르게 이행된 때에는 당해 재화 등을 공급받은 날 부터 3월이내, 그사실을 알게 된 날 또는 알 수 있었던 날부터 30일이내
    교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우
     - 이용자에게 책임 있는 사유로 재화 등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우(다만, 재화 등의 내용을 확인하기 위하여 포장 등을 훼손한 경우에는 청약철회를 할 수 있습니다)
      - 이용자의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 재화 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
      - 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 재화등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
      - 복제가 가능한 재화등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
      - 개별 주문 생산되는 재화 등 청약철회시 판매자에게 회복할 수 없는 피해가 예상되어 소비자의 사전 동의를 얻은 경우
      - 디지털 콘텐츠의 제공이 개시된 경우, (다만, 가분적 용역 또는 가분적 디지털콘텐츠로 구성된 계약의 경우 제공이 개시되지 아니한 부분은 청약철회를 할 수 있습니다.)
    ※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다.
     (색상 교환, 사이즈 교환 등 포함)

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